Introduction and history

Mexico is a country with big cultural diversity, which has changed a lot over the years, we, will review some of the characteristics of this amazing land.


While Mexico is now an independent country, it was not always like that. Thousands or hundreds of year ago a bunch of travelers were looking for something in a prophecy, an eagle feeding on a snake in a nopal, it was found in a big lake, and so they built a big city there, The Great Tenochtitlán, many years late Cristobal Colon discovered America, and other europeans came, most importantly, Hernàn Cortes, who conquered most of Mexico, after many years of belonging and being oppressed and tortured by Spain, and being known as "Nueva España", Miguel Hidalgo and the Natives caused the independence, an 11 year war from September 16th of 1810 to 1821. Many years later, a president known as Porfirio Díaz became a dictator, he was president for 38 years, until the Mexican revolution started and Pancho Villa  was president.
